Happy Easter Weekend! I woke up realizing that I am so very fortunate to have such wonderful Easter Memories. If you have read this blog before you have heard me talk about my mother many times and how she loves the holidays! Easter was sure one of them, and like I have said before to this day she decorates like crazy and creates special memories for all of us but, especially now her beloved grandchildren Hunter & Madison! Also to this day I still get some sort of Easter basket or goody from mom!
Growing up I remember going to church (Of course I always had a new outfit!), a very special Easter lunch, but my favorite was waking up to a fabulous basket the Easter Bunny had left! Please don't get me wrong I went to a religious private school so we never forgot the reason for this joyous day we gave up things for lent, we fasted, and ate no meat on Fridays, but on the day of His Resurrection we really celebrated it!
Easter Morning was almost as exciting as expecting Santa Claus! My Easter bunny left a basket filled with all kinds of neat goodies (it wasn't the pre-made kind wrapped in cello) it was very personalized. A couple of times it was hidden at the end of a path of jelly beans (**Note to Easter Bunny put the dog up or the jelly bean trail will be eaten and the overall idea doesn't work very well!) As I got older my basket had more and more practical items and less candy but it was always special for me!

I have to say one of the most special and best ever Easter Baskets was about fourteen years ago when Shawn and I were surprised by the Easter Bunny (aka: Corky this particular year) with our beloved and cherished Dachshund puppy Chloe! My good friend Scott and I drove to somewhere near Alabama on Good Friday and met Chloe and her mother and it was love at first sight! When Shawn come home I said "You just missed the Easter Bunny and look what he left", and there she was this tiny little baby nearly asleep in an Easter basket! Scott and I were kind of worried because she had slept the entire ride home, I even stopped at a vet on the way home and said is there anything wrong with this puppy? She is so sleepy, he laughed and said to just wait until she wakes up...and he was right. When she woke up she was WIDE OPEN! To this day that girl plays hard and sleeps hard (some of you have witnessed the sleep hard part behind the counter of the store!) I can't begin to tell you how much that little dog has meant to Shawn and I, we are those crazy dog people who love her more than you can imagine! Sorry I digress...!
The point of this post is that not only is spring such a celebration in itself, enjoy this special weekend of "Newness" whatever your faith or dogma is. Create a special memory for yourself or a special loved one or even a total stranger! Make someone a special personalized Easter basket or home made card, go outside and cut some budding branches (I love dogwoods or azaleas now!) and make a pretty arrangement, call a friend you haven't talked to in awhile just to catch up. Remind yourself...What is your favorite Easter memory?

Finally- of course if you need help creating a special Easter basket come down to one of our stores "Our Bunnies" can help! Heck just stop in have a few jelly beans and say hi!

Happy -Spring Happy Easter! I hope you have a WONDERFUL weekend!